How the System Works
Soon, with Parcela Já, purchases at your online store gain a new payment method.
Offer your customers the possibility to pay their online purchases in low instalments, in a quick and intuitive way.
When checking out, your client may split payment with their Visa or Mastercard credit card into up to 6 tranches without interests and without any bureaucracy or the need to have a credit approved.
To access our system, you will need the client's credit card. Our system offers a great opportunity to induce new purchases, scheduling client´s payments on a pre-selected monthly basis.
3 simple steps
Step 1
When checking out, select payment using Parcela Já tool and select the number of tranches into which the purchase shall be split.
Step 2
Enter your credit card details.
Step 3
Enter your mobile number. Afterwards, you will receive a verification code via SMS. After entering the code, the purchase will be validated.
In 3 simple steps, clients may split their purchase’s payment into tranches, without any related costs or bureaucracy. And better yet, without the need to leave your online store page.
Nothing hidden in the small print!
- Parcela Ja, Sp z o. o. ul. SZELAGOWSKA, nr 49,
- 61-626 POZNAN REGON: 384378956, NIP: 9721303480
- General:
- Commercial:
- Portugal: +351 965 916 561
- (Call to a national fixed network, according to your price list)